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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at 5AM  CBS  September 14, 2010 4:00am-5:00am PST

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drivers and light rail operators stage a sickout beginning today. >> good morning. up and at 'em. it is tuesday, the 1th of september. i'm sydnie kohara. >> i'm elizabeth wenger. let's get a quick look at traffic and weather this morning. gianna franco has the morning commute. >> we start off with construction wrapping up at 7:00 a.m. but it might affect your drive hillsdale 92 off-ramp closed until 7:00 a.m. i'll check your drive on 880 coming up. first, your forecast. tracy? >> thanks, gianna. temperatures for today slightly warmer inland. 80 degrees in concord. 81 degrees in livermore. 73 in fremont. 62 in san francisco. 70 in vallejo and san rafael and 74 in santa rosa. 77 degrees in napa. nice day expected but you will have to get through some morning clouds first. we'll take a look at your seven- day forecast, the rest of the workweek and what those temperatures will be like.
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that's all coming up. back to you. >> thank you. breaking news out of iran. the country's english language state television reports that uc berkeley alumina sarah shourd has been released from prison. there are no other details or confirmation. that release had been in limbo for days. we started talking about it last week. an attorney foreshourd said her family was having trouble raising the $500,000 bail money. yesterday they said she could be released for health reasons if her bail is paid. she has cancer. shourd, her fiance and male friend have been in custody more than a year accused of spying. again, iran's english language state television says sarah shourd has been released from prison. we'll have more information as it becomes available. in other news, we have new
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video of the pipeline explosion in san bruno last week as it happened. take a look. see it on the left-hand side? this is from a gas station surveillance camera. it shows the fireball. you can see a woman holding a small child running away from the flames. another store security camera capturing these images as the explosion roars through the neighborhood. customers and workers at the lunardi's supermarket appeared stunned by the sound blocks away some of them hitting the floor, running for the doors. that man losing his footing as he is trying to get out. the reaction not surprising since the blast carried the force of a 1.3 magnitude earthquake. the national transportation safety board is heading up the investigation into the explosion. and it says it's now focusing on documents related to the pipeline that blew up. anne makovec is in san bruno explaining what cbs 5 has learned about the pipeline
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problems. good morning. reporter: so many questions about what led up to this explosion. i'm here live in the neighborhood. the blast zone is behind me. a lot of people have been able to return to their homes but as you can see, a lot of people do not have homes to return to. and the ntsb has been heavily involved in the investigation at the scene here behind me. but that investigation is still in its beginning stages. now, at a town hall meeting last night, at the church of the highlands in san bruno, pg&e touted its plan to spend as much as $100 million to help rebuild the neighborhood where 37 homes were destroyed, eight others badly damaged in the gas line explosion thursday night. a lot of questions about what caused this. federal authorities have begun a month long investigation. one possibility they are looking at right now a 2009 pg&e document that put a nearby section of the ruptured gas line pipeline 132 in the top
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100 highest risk lines section of pg&e's pipelines. that section was actually 2.5 miles north of the blast site in south san francisco. the document said that the line was slated to be fixed in 2012 and that "the likelihood of a failure makes the risk of a failure at this location unacceptably high." but the ntsb explains the term risk doesn't mean the pipeline was damaged. >> i understand that the word risk was used and my understanding is that it refers to high consequence area and it's a definition in pipeline -- in pipeline regulatory terms, the definition that relates to population density and not to the strength or integrity of the pipe. >> reporter: terms aside, though, when you look at what happened here, there's a lot of concern in other communities. pg&e has more than 6,000 miles of transmission lines in california. they have been ordered to inspect them all with the
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concentration on high pressure lines in densely populated neighborhoods like this one here in san bruno. now, also this morning, at 8:00 a.m., we are expecting to hear some new information from the san mateo county coroner's office. we do have several people still missing this morning. so we might have some information coming in about them. >> anne in san bruno, thank you. pg&e is giving each household in the disaster zone up to $50,000. no strings attached. >> it's theirs to use in any way, shape or form that they want. we will not be asking them and will not ask them to sign any releases when they accept that. >> it's all part of a fund of up to $100 million to help families. pg&e says the size of the payments will be based on the amount of damage to each home. the company says it's making plans to help home owners who don't have insurance. state regulators today will start considering a plan that would prior utility customers
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-- require utility customers to pay for disaster costs not covered by utility's insurance. pg&e backs the plan introduced last year by the san diego gas and electric company. it was prompted by a series of fires caused by extreme weather conditions in 2007. currently utilities can request a rate increase to cover disaster costs but the public utilities commission can veto it. such vetos would not be allowed under that new proposal. san francisco's muni system says it's prepared just in case operators stage a sickout today. but muni spokesman says the threat of a sickout is just a rumor. and a union official says he thinks it's a hoax. the union says it has not sanctioned a sickout promoted in an anonymous flyer circulated last week. that flyer urged muni operators to call in sick today through friday. 700,000 people ride muni every day. and so far, no sign of a sickout this morning. >> what an inconvenience that would be to a lot of people. >> yes. >> we'll keep you posted on
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that. it's 5:06. let's get another check of traffic and weather. gianna how is the commute looking? >> no delays for muni in fact. if you are taking caltrain, ace or bart, everything is running on time systemwide. had an earlier accident in san jose on 880. that was cleared. that was an overnight wreck. the rest of 880 is cruising along. you can see both directions moving nicely northbound towards the coliseum. golden gate bridge also very good start no delays to report. very quiet. just one car cruising along on the northbound side and 101 through mill valley you can see traffic at nice speeds. 63 miles per hour out of marin county. 50 miles per hour just sluggish as you approach the waldo tunnel but overall traffic is moving well. tracy has your forecast. >> thanks, gianna. thinks are quiet weather-wise. partly cloudy inland as you head out the door. mostly cloudy around the bay and just a few low clouds for
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the coastline. temperatures ranging from 50 to mid-50s to the upper 50s for this morning. this afternoon a slight warmup inland. 70 to 83 degrees, plenty of sunshine expected. around the bay the 60s. not bad. mostly sunny skies. linger clouds at the coast, school, temperatures from 59 to 62. that's a broad stroke of what's going to be happening this afternoon. we'll pinpoint some neighborhoods across the bay area and their high temperatures today in just a few moments. in the meantime, back to you guys. >> thank you. 5:08. coming up next, governor schwarzenegger riding the bullet train in japan. >> and remember the toddler found alone late at night on a street in petaluma? all charges have been dropped against her mother. and turn out the lights. the party's over for ike's sandwich shop in san francisco. ,, this is your captain speaking,
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we are fourteenth in line for take off. beep, beep, beep. looks li bumper to bumper on the interstate. i gotta get to cleveland! should have skipped that second soda. remove your belt, your watch, your shoes. i wonder what gas costs today. seven dollars for a pillow! an extra bag costs what? i hate traffic! (train child) the train is now arriving. (announcer) the train has arrived indeed. amtrack. enjoy the journey. you inhale, they inhale. millions of children continue to be exposed to secondhand smoke. secondhand smoke causes asthma, a disease that cannot be cured. protect your loved ones.
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i could wear hats, if i partook in hat type things (birds chirping) like strolling in an orchard ♪ is this my husband? awesome cool hat, mom oh my perfect kids alright fourteen ninety nine i totally wear hats ♪ activia is better than ever! hey, you guys. want to try activia's great new taste? isn't this the yogurt that, you know... helps regulate your digestive system. ooh, i think i'll pass. no, no, no! trust me. it is beyond tasty. mmm! wow! i can't believe it, i love it! mmm, this is really good! new best tasting activia ever! ♪ activia now you can join the fight against breast cancer every time you enjoy an activia. give hope with every cup of activia.
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good morning. so far, so good. here's a live look at the san mateo bridge where traffic is cruising along. no delays to report. we have some construction though just off of 92. i'll have details on that coming up in six minutes. all charges have been dropped against the petaluma mother whose 2-year-old was found alone more than a mile from home. 24-year-old anna rendon was charged with child endangerment after she told police she had been drinking tequila when her daughter disappeared last june. the sonoma county d.a. says new evidence explains why rendon didn't realize she was missing. the toddler often slept in another room with her babysitter. it still didn't explain how the girl got so far from home. today ike's sandwich shop
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is closing. they will be moved out by tomorrow. the doors to the shop on 16th street closed for good at midnight last night but not before a big sendoff. ike's faced eviction after the landlord and neighbors complained about crowds and noise. a decision could be made today on how california's high- speed rail system should travel through downtown san jose. here are the choices for the city council. an underground system or an aerial track some 60 feet above city streets. many other cities are pushing for those underground plans but city staff in san jose recommends the elevated option. underground would cost more and years of construction would be disruptive. aerial systems are criticized as noisy eyesores but city staff says proper designing would solve those concerns. governor schwarzenegger doing a little traveling he now has a better idea of what high- speed rail would be like. he rode a bullet train in japan. the latest stop on his asian trade mission.
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the governor was impressed with the ride describing it as quite and futuristic. japan is trying to promote its high-speed rail technology. this e5 series train is brand- new and can reach speeds up to 190 miles an hour. east japan railway plans to start using it on a regular basis early next year. all right. respecting house rules. this morning, "the early show" explores effective ways to discipline your children. it's called digital grounding. >> grounding no longer means putting kids on restriction or time-out. it seems more parents these days are punishing their kids by taking away all their digital gadgets, laptops, cell phones, other tools. our question of the day is, what is your tip for disciplining kids in this age of digital media? >> probably worse than taking away television, right? >> go to your room? they get on their laptop and cell phones, start texting their friends. so that really sort of -- >> is that the best way? i wouldn't know.
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[ laughter ] >> what do i know? send your comments to or post your answers on facebook. we're also on twitter, so tweet us. >> neither of us have children. >> i have to get married first, then we'll have talk about disciplining children. >> do you take away all of that or what do you do? >> yeah. >> i don't know. but i know kids are very attached to their text messaging and their -- >> how do you lay down the law? that's what we want to know. what's your tip? it is 5:14. still to come, investors spooked about the stock market. where they prefer to put their money now. >> wow. all you got to do is take away their laptop. i was growing up, i got knocked upside the head but that could explain why i'm a little -- okay, let's talk about your forecast for today. a few clouds out there for the morning and plenty of sunshine expected yet again for the afternoon. looking out toward the bay bridge. it's going to be nice. i have today's forecast, your highs in just a few minutes.
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the guys who drive a heavy duty truck, have some heavy duty demands. like enough horsepower and torque to get out of just about any situation. a payload that beats the other guys flat out. a frame sturdy enough to bear up a max towing capacity that's over 10 tons. and a braking system tough enough to bring it all to a stop. heavy duty demands? gentlemen, your truck is ready. which would be great... if i was seven. i'm forty-six. and the tooth fairy doesn't come when you're forty-six. just lots of referrals and appointments and bills that cost tons. maybe i'll keep it... it adds character... right? [ male announcer ] losing a tooth is a big deal at any age. that's why we offer dental coverage.
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blue shield. with so many to choose from it's hard to see the difference. but this is the way most dentists choose a toothbrush. fact is, more dentists brush with an oral-b toothbrush than any other brush. ♪ if you could see what your dentist sees, you'd reach for an oral-b toothbrush too. just brewing up some dunkin' donuts coffee -- want some? [ whoosh! ] i'd love some. one taste, and you'll understand. delicious dunkin' donuts coffee. pick some up where you buy groceries.
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america runs on dunkin'. stories: a section of the gas pipeline off to a great start. bay bridge toll plaza, metering lights off, no delays, 18 minutes from the carquinez bridge to the maze.
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we have some roadwork. hillsdale off-ramp closed from west 92 as well as the de anza on-ramp until 7:00 a.m. slight delays as you work your way east- and westbound 92 approaching 280. south 280 just a little slow through the area. elsewhere, if you are on 101 headed northbound, san jose everything is clear. 280 checking in problem-free as well as the guadalupe parkway. 580 also off to a good start. no delays as you head across the altamont pass. everything clear westbound, speeds 62 miles per hour through livermore and checking mass transit right now so far, so good no delays to report on bart, ace and muni, caltrain, all checking in problem-free. tracy good news for weather? >> good news for weather, yesterday was a nice day around the bay area. i was in sunnyvale yesterday. it was warm. out the door this morning, partly cloudy conditions inland, for the bay and also for the coast.
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temperatures in the 50s. this afternoon, slightly warmer. that's going to be inland. temperatures 70 to 83, plenty of sunshine, a little warmer. around the bay temperatures ranging from 62 to 68 with mostly sunny skies. and for the coastline, can't really help you out there. whole lot of clouds expected, lingering clouds, and still pretty cool. take a look at some of the cooler highs. 60 in daly city and pacifica. 62 half moon bay. on track with yesterday's highs. moving inland, we're warming up. lower 70s in san jose yesterday. today the upper 70s. lower 80s in morgan hill and the lower 70s in union city and in fremont. some other locations that are warming up well out in the east bay. lower 80s in pittsburg to brentwood, 81 livermore and danville. 70 yesterday in concord, today 80. 80 also in san ramon. along the bay, mid- to upper 60s from berkeley to oakland to alameda. north bay locations, mid-70s in sonoma, 77 napa.
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mild temperatures but nice temperatures. 74 in petaluma. 70 san rafael. low 60s in sausalito and san francisco. both of those location what you had yesterday as far as highs. tomorrow, temperatures will warm up just a bit. thursday, you will see slightly more clouds inland but take a look at what happens once we move into the weekend. are those showers in the forecast? yeah. we have a small chance of showers especially inland. we do have a warm front coming through so chance of showers, more clouds, temperatures definitely cool off for the weekend especially inland to the 70s. and monday you will see some sunshine. you don't see it there in the seven-day forecast because it's not on there but next wednesday is when fall officially arrives. our autumnal equinox. that's a look at your weather. back up to you. >> thank you. still waiting for summer. all right. here's a look at this morning's top stories. a section of the gas pipe line that exploded in san bruno last week was listed last year as one of the top 100 highest
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risk sections in the pg&e system. that report is one focus of the investigation into the deadly explosion. muni in san francisco says it is prepared if operators stage a sickout today. here's live look at the transbay terminal in san francisco. it has been called a rumor and so far as you can see from the pictures no sign of a sickout. the operators union hasn't sanctioned the job action mentioned in an anonymous flyer that came out last week. san francisco supervisors are expected to vote today on a fee on alcohol. district, wholesalers and winemakers would have to pay new fees ranging from 35 cents for a gavel beer to 3.20 for hard liquor. the money would be used to pay for the city's costs in dealing with problem drinkers. a lot of americans are losing faith in the stock market. 61% of investors in a recent survey said recent volatility in the market made them less confident about buying and selling individual stocks.
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that "associated press"/cnbc poll found 55% feel the market is fair only to some investors. the survey also asked about various investment options. mutual funds were the favorites with 62% saying they are good investments. it is 5:22. up next, a little kid with a big heart. what he did for families affected by the san bruno pipeline explosion. ,,
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♪ [ male announcer ] it's luxury with fire in its veins. bold. daring. capable of moving your soul. ♪ and that's even before you drop your foot on the pedal. ♪ the new 2011 cts coupe from cadillac.
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why not save on car insurance? [ coin drops ] [ high-pitched voice ] thanks. [ normal voice ] you're welcome. get a free quote at later on today pacifica conditions, plenty of clouds with highs near 60. san francisco mix of sun and clouds with a daytime high of 62. santa clara, slightly warmer today, mostly sunny skies with highs in the upper 70s. and los gatos, 80 degrees with plenty of sunshine. we'll take a look at some more bay area cities and today's high temperatures, more weather in just 6 minutes. >> going to be perfect down there. los gatos, 80 degrees. sound nice. tracy, thanks very much. a story now about a little boy with a big heart. >> joshua hu is 7 years old. but he says he wanted to do
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something for the victims of the san bruno explosion. so he decided to raise money. he made a donation box as you can see, and he put a sign on it and he went down to the san francisco wharf area over the weekend. >> i'm donating it to the people that need help in san bruno. >> reporter: how did you get the money? >> i played drums. [ laughter ] >> where are the drums? >> i'd like to see that. good for him. >> joshua raised more than $400. and he delivered the money to the red cross yesterday afternoon. >> that's great. airborne in london's trafalgar square. the man with a jetpack took a brief flight to announce the release of the xbox halo game. one of the games features a jetpack so on monday a man dressed as a spartan super soldier and took to the air. the halo franchise is aglobal phenomenon selling more than 34 million units and netting more
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than $2 billion in sales so far. [ laughter ] >> doesn't that look like fun? >> i don't know. now, it's always amazing to me what people do. [ laughter ] >> yeah, there you go. >> except when you go crashing into the building. >> i'm not a big videogame player. so... ever wonder where all the oil went from the blown-out well in the gulf? >> scientists believe they have the answer. and new information expected this morning live in san bruno from the coroner's office as we also explore some documents talking about the risk to this pipeline, coming up. ,,
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your realtime captioner is linda marie macdonald. caption colorado, l.l.c. good morning. welcome back. it's tuesday, september 14. i'm sydnie kohara. >> i'm elizabeth wenger. we have some breaking news this morning out of iran. uc-berkeley alumina sarah shourd has reportedly been released from prison. now, that's according to iran's english language state television. so far there are no further details or confirmation of shourd's release. the situation had been in limbo for several days. an attorney for shourd said her family was having trouble raising a half million dollars in bail money. just yesterday, iranian officials said shourd could be released for health reasons if
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that bail is paid. shourd's mother says her daughter has a lump in her breast and precancer out cervical cells. she and two others were in custody for more than a year accused of spying. again, breaking news this morning. iran's english language state television says sarah shourd has been released from prison. 5:31. federal investigators finished looking at the crater from the pipeline explosion in san bruno. today, they are zeroing in on documents related to that failed pipeline. let's go to anne makovec in san bruno, where people from the devastated neighborhood met with federal, state and local officials last night. anne, good morning. reporter: good morning. those officials still have this area blocked off. i'm live on claremont here in san bruno. you can see the area of devastation dubbed ground zero here behind me. federal investigators will be patrolling this area for about another week. cadaver dogs have also had a
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chance to go through the rubble and they have indicated some possibility of some remains. at 8:00 this morning the san mateo county coroner is going to talk about that. investigators have been going through the rubble, as well. at a town hall meeting last night a lot of questions about what caused the explosion. federal authorities have begun a month long investigation into that and one possibility they are looking at, a 2009 pg&e document that put a nearby section of the ruptured gas line, pipeline 132, in the top 100 highest risk line sections of pg&e's pipelines. that section is 2.5 miles north of the blast site in south san francisco. the document said the line was slated to be fixed in 2012 and that quote, the likelihood of a failure makes the risk of a failure at this location unacceptably high. but the ntsb explains the term "risk" doesn't mean the pipeline was damaged. but our joe vazquez asked what
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that could mean for others who live along that line. >> reporter: folks in south san francisco who are over this pipeline at this section, are they in some danger or risk? >> well, we have thoroughly leak surveyed our gas facilities up and down the peninsula and they checked out safe. >> reporter: pg&e does more than 6,000 miles transmission lines in california. they have been ordered to inspect them all with concentration on high pressure lines in densely populated neighborhoods like this one here in san bruno. now, pipeline 132 is listed as of course one of the top 100 most at risk lines in the bay area. but the most at risk line here in our area is one from livermore to sunol so again, a lot of concern here in california. and that concern is spreading across the country. sydnie? >> all right, anne. thank you very much. anne makovec in san bruno this morning. we have new video of the pipeline explosion in san bruno
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last week as it happened. this is from a gas station surveillance camera and it shows the huge fireball erupting down the street. at one point, a woman is holding what appears to be a small child. she runs away from the flames. another store security camera captures these images as the explosion roars through the neighborhood. customers and workers at lunardi's supermarket appear stunned by the sound. it happened just blocks away. some hit the ground. others run for the doors. one man even loses his footing as you see there and he scrambles to get out of the building. the reaction not surprising since that blast carried the force of a 1.3 magnitude earthquake. pg&e is giving each household in the disaster zone up to $50,000, no strings attached. >> it's theirs to use in any way, shape or form that they want. we will not be asking them and will not ask them to sign any releases when they accept that. >> this is all part of a fund of up to $100 million to help
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families. pg&e says the size of the payments will be based on the amount of damage to each home. the company also says it is making plans to help home owners who don't have insurance. people whose homes were either red-tagged or unlivable or burned to the ground, they were finally allowed to look at the devastation. they took a bus tour through the neighborhood yesterday afternoon. they were not allowed to get out of the bus. all they could do is look through windows at what's left. >> i saw the big crater and then i saw our house and other people's houses. there are several houses that were fine, several that weren't. it's a mess. >> later today, another group of residents will be taking that same tour. want to let you know, we have more information on the pipeline explosion including unedited video of the blast and the aftermath and information on how you can help. it is all on our website,
5:36 am 5:35. go to gianna franco with a look at traffic. seems like it's smooth sailing today, no big problems out there? >> no big problems. the only thing we have is construction on 101 between oyster point and candlestick but you can see lots of green on the freeways. let's get a closer look. they have it set up between oyster point and candlestick, wrapping up in the next 20 minutes. north of there take the golden gate bridge, no troubles into marin county. some volume southbound out of marin county but overall nice speeds this morning. and a first look at 880 880/237 no problems. we might see some sun, right, tracy? >> yeah, got some sunshine in the forecast for today. in addition to that sunshine, a minute any warmup, a bit warmer. let's take a look. yesterday hit 73 degrees in concord. 70 degrees santa rosa.
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73 san jose. 61 in san francisco. today 80 concord, 74 santa rosa, 77 san jose. 62 in san francisco. so the closer you get to the bay, not so much of a warmup. but the father inland you go, temperatures will be trending upward. plenty of sunshine expected. more bay area cities and today's highs in just a few moments. back to you. >> thank you. no sign of a sickout against san francisco's muni system yet this morning. muni says it was prepared for operators to call in sick today but neither the transit agency nor the operators union expected it. a sickout today through friday was promoted in anonymous flyers that happened last week. the union says it does not sanction such a job action. but if a lot of operators call in sick, muni has a temporary policy that says they need a doctor's note to have the absence excused. san francisco supervisors are scheduled to vote today on whether to impose a new fee on
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alcohol. under the proposal, distribute,wholesalers and wine makers would have to pay a fee for every gallon of booze. it would be 35 cents for beer, $1 for wine and 3.20 for hard liquor. that would cover the city's costs of dealing with problem drinkers. mayor newsom who got his start as a wine store owner opposes that measure. san francisco is moving to expand its ban on tobacco sales in pharmacies. a committee at the board of supervisors voted monday to send an ordinance to the full board adding grocery stores and big box stores and pharmacies to the ban. the expansion is an effort to get around a court ruling this year which says the original ban violates equal protection laws. four members of an oakland church out on bail now after they were jailed in southern africa. investigators in zimbabwe's capital of harari accused them of distributing aids medications without a license or a pharmacist's supervision.
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the allen temple baptist church says it has been working in zimbabwe for more than a decade and licenses have never been an issue before. those members are glor why cowl, dr. anthony jones, gregory miller and david greenberg. they pleaded not guilty in court yesterday. and the judge let them go. bail for each was the equivalent of about $200 u.s. but the four also had to relinquish their passports. president bush's is trying to inspire students as classes glynn for the new school year. yesterday, he spoke at a conference of black colleges and universities in washington. today he will speak to a younger crowd in philadelphia. the white house released a transcript of the speech which will urge kids to work hard and stay focused some researchers say they know where the oil is from the massive gulf of mexico leak. university of georgia scientist say they found a lot of the oil lying on the gulf floor.
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a mile down and 80 miles from the site of the leak which was caused by an explosion in april. a research vessel found a blanked about 2" thick of oil under a layer of dead marine life. investigators in colorado believe humans caused two wildfires that destroyed dozens of homes. but they are not sure if they will fire charges. a fire destroyed more than 160 homes. investigators believe it was sparked by a blaze a resident set in a fire pit. a second fire near loveland has destroyed two homes. that fire is just 25% contained. it was started by someone burning a pile of brush. time is 5:40. coming up, this is a good change. the change in handwashing habits and what may have prompted that change. they fight on the front lines in the drug war. now they are joining a new fight. why some members of law enforcement want to help legalize pot in california. ,,,,
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including discounts of up to 40%, having that many customers shouldn't be a surprise. so ask a neighbor about state farm, then call an agent at 1-800-state-farm or go online.
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good news, we are accident- free but, of course, the morning commute is getting into full swing. we are seeing delays westbound 580. sluggish out of the altamont pass through livermore. austin west of there, looks like some stop and go conditions away from 680 at the dublin interchange. 680 lots of green there. traffic cruising right along in that area. over to highway 4 we go where we are seeing some slow and go conditions, as well. 24 miles per hour as you medical westbound through antioch. other than that though, highway 4 looking good all the way towards the eastshore freeway.
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eastshore freeway no troubling spots this morning. actually looking pretty good anywhere between richmond into the emeryville area. here's live look at the carquinez bridge where traffic is pretty nice and light on this tuesday morning. elsewhere checking your drive on 880, off to a very nice start here both directions clear. northbound nice speeds headed near the coliseum. southbound heading all the way into the south bay traffic is cruising through there. here's a look at the bay bridge. metering lights are off. no delays at the pay gates. you're clear across the upper deck into san francisco. and mass transit problem-free this morning systemwide for bart, ace train no delays, muni everything looks good this morning and caltrain checking in problem-free. let's get a look at your forecast. here's tracy. >> thank you, gianna. our forecast for this morning, got some clouds out there. low clouds along the coastline with temperatures ranging from 50 to 55 degrees. but because of the clouds, delays on arrivals at sfo around 35 minutes for the morning. and partly cloudy conditions inland. temperatures from 49 to 58 degrees. for this afternoon, another
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nice day. 70 to 83 inland, sunshine, warmer. mostly sunny around the bay with temperatures ranging from 62 to 68 degrees. and lingering low clouds along the coast. cool temperatures. 59 to 62. inland the 70s. lower 70s in palo alto, 73 mountain view, 77 san jose. 80 los gatos, 81 morgan hill. lower 70s in union city and fremont. our east bay location today, lower 80s from pittsburg to brentwood. 80 concord, 81 danville, 78 dublin, 82 pleasanton, 70s in hayward and san leandro. and the closer you get to the bay, 64 berkeley, 67 in oakland, 67 degrees in alameda. north bay location, 70 in vallejo, 70 san rafael, 77 in napa, 76 degrees in sonoma. those temperatures slightly
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warmer than yesterday. 74 in petaluma. moving closer back down to the bay, of the in mill valley. 62 in san francisco. and 6 degrees in sausalito. seven-day forecast, so tomorrow, no major changes thursday, friday a little more of the same. but check out the weekend. saturday and sunday, cloudy skies, yeah, especially inland. with a small chance of a passing shower. best chance north bay north of the golden gate. that's a look at your weather. back up to you. >> thank you. let's take a check of today's top stories. sarah shourd has reportedly been released from prison according to iran state television. there are no further details or confirmation of her release. shourd, her fiance and a male friend have been in custody for more than a year accused of spying. muni trains and buses
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apparently operating normally in san francisco this morning. flyers appeared last weekend urging muni operators to stage a sickout today through friday but neither the transit agency nor the operator union expects it to happen. san francisco supervisors expected to vote today on a fee on alcohol. distributors, wholesalers and winemakers would have to pay new fees ranging from 35 cents for a gavel beer to $3.20 for hard liquor. the money would be used to pay for the city's costs in dealing with problem drinkers. here's some good news. americans are washing their hands more often. a new study finds 85% of people wash their hands in public restrooms. i actually would have thought it was high. but that's up 8% -- >> i hope so. >> i know. that's up 8% from 2007 and the highest rate since the survey began 14 years ago. interesting. researchers expect the h1n1 outbreak last year may have
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sparked improvement. the survey also finds no surprise, women wash their hands more than men. >> i'm going to be thinking about this all day today. >> yeah, that's for sure. kind of gross. researchers may be closer to creating a blood test that can identify alzheimer's disease. scientists in texas have developed a test that looks for a number of proteins in the blood that have been associated with alzheimer's. in a new study, the test was accurate about 80% of the time. more research though is needed to perfect the test before it can be made available on a widespread basis. it is 5:48. some law enforcement now supporting the november ballot measure that would legalize recreational pot. some spoke in support of prop 19. they believe this measure will reduce gang violence and give police more time to deal with violent crimes. opponents say passage of prop 19 would increase drug use. and they also say it would present legal problems. for example, does it make it
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difficult for employers to terminate stoned workers. and get this. you can now buy medical marijuana-infused ice cream at this santa cruz shop. the makers say one bite is equivalent to four to five puffs of a really good joint. [ laughter ] >> and it's also infused with more fat and calories, which may have some additional side effects. >> what is that, that you ge fat? >> you definitely will go back for seconds. the munchies are certainly probably going to be part of the experience. but, you know, really just depends on the individual and how they receive the plant. >> don't get too excited. it's pretty pricey. take a look. $15 for a half pint. flavors include bannabis foster, and strawmarry cheesecake. don't get too excited. you have to have a medical marijuana card to buy it.
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and you cannot eat that ice cream on the premises. >> hm. and it's higher in fat and calories. >> forget marijuana, right? it's higher in fat and calories, okay, elizabeth, all right. [ laughter ] all right. time now 5:50. high fructose corn syrup gets a bad rap. coming up, how its makers are trying to change its image. hi! welcome to come on in, and i'll give you a free quote. quote and compare in about 8 minutes. now, that's progressive. call or click today.
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can cause coma andider's even death. the african black mamba can kill a man with one bite. but there's an even deadlier predator cigarettes, produced by big tobacco, which take a life every six point five seconds. don't be big tobacco's next victim. we take an early-morning look at the bay bridge. looks like traffic is flowing smoothly. you can barely see it. >> little tiny headlights. >> i cannot see close up. but looks like there is a bit of overcast. anything, tracy, we are going
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to see clouds at the coast? >> a few clouds at the coast. >> we have sunshine in the east bay. >> it's going to be nice. >> rain this weekend, though. did you hear her? >> i didn't want to look at that. can't believe it. >> ignore that part. the makers of high fructose corn syrup -- over here -- are trying for an image makeover. they want to change the name to corn sugar. consumption of high fructose corn syrup is at a 29-year low because of health concerns. today the corn rear finers association will apply to again corn sugar approved as an alternative for the food labels. that process could take two years but in the meantime there is a new marketing campaign under way online and on television. would it make a difference, high fructose corn syrup or corn sugar? >> people know sugar is bad. the rain in new york finally let in enough to squeeze in a championship match for the men's final of the u.s. open tennis. sunday it was postponed by rain. rain again delayed it yesterday
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in the second set. but nadal and novak djokovic 6 serbia finally got to play last night. nadal won in four sets becoming just the 7th man in history to win at least one title in all four major tournaments. authorities in action to get a gator away from an elementary school. >> maybe going for breakfast. >> didn't we have a mousse -- we had a zebra loose in sacramento. this is a crossing guard called the sheriff after the gator got a little too close to forest lakes elementary school yesterday morning. at first deputies called the department of fish & game but they said it would take an hour for them to arrive, so deputies took matters into their own hands. are you saying awww? they cuffed it before any schoolchildren arrived. he looks innocent. >> just wanted to go to school. >> hanging out on the corner. if you have kids, now that getting them to behave is not
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easy. used to be you grounded them but in our day and age back in the south, tracy and i, the belt, okay? i'm going to get belt. >> the ruler. >> yeah. but now, you know, kids have laptops and cell phones to deal with so we wanted to know what is your tip for grounding your kids in this age of digital media? >> stacey on facebook writes: digital media is a privilege. it should be earned based on positive behavior and removed as behavior becomes undesirable. and if a computer is needed for homework that time must be supervised. >> put that computer in the kitchen orr -- >> that's right. the computer can be used for good. >> great advice. send your advice to or post your answers on facebook. we're also on twitter, so tweet us. i remember those days when i was a kid. i was thinking that -- >> if i go home right now, those days come right back! [ laughter ] >> you're never too old. you're still the kid. >> my mom and dad's house, definitely very much so, yeah. >> i still laugh. i think about my mother
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stomping around. i'm gonna get the belt! and she just walked back and forth in the hall and we're in our rooms just waiting. by the time she finally got there i mean, she just -- basically touched and we would just be crying. >> i didn't do anything wrong so i didn't have to be disciplined. >> we are going to call your mother. [ laughter ] >> claire. she should be watching right now. >> claire, call us and let us know, is elizabeth really the angel she says she is? i'd like to know that. >> sure she loves it that you brought up her name on television. [ laughter ] let's check traffic and weather before you head out the door. gianna? >> we are actually getting our first reports of an accident. it's in vacaville westbound 80 at midway. vehicle hit a tree. they have called out emergency crews to the scene. so far no blocked lanes. elsewhere they are wrapping up construction as you work your way -- maybe not. we have construction 101 through oyster point. looks like they are wrapping that up. and the golden gate bridge
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looking good no troubles. tracy? >> thanks, jeans, plenty of clouds. a nice note. temperatures inland slightly warmer plenty of sunshine. wednesday, thursday, friday no major changes. you guys talked about showers in yeah. the weekend saturday and sunday, a 30% chance of a passing shower north of the golden gate. we are going to put it in the forecast because i know if you get a sprinkle or something happens, i'm going to get an email! high temperatures cool 70s inland but people get -- i thought you said -- >> exactly. it's your fault. >> so i put it in there. >> one other thing i remember. i used to have to pick up sticks. you had to do yardwork. >> that's a good one. >> that's terrible. it's too hot in louisiana. >> pink the sticks in the yard. >> that could take all day. >> trust me it did. if it was me, yes, it did. 5:57. coming up in the next half hour, breaking news out of
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iran. >> one of the three uc-berkeley hikers released after more than a year in captivity. what we have just learned about the two other hikers. and i'm live in san bruno with questions this morning. how risky was the line that exploded here on thursday? and why did it take pg&e so long to turn the natural gas off? we'll have the story coming up. ,,,,,,,,,,,,
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